Going into a retail shop to purchase a new car part can be quite a shock to a consumer. There is a mixture of prices that are found for even the most common part types. For someone replacing an alternator, the theory of buying a used one might not come to mind. When searching on the web for a used car alternator for sale, there are some great tips to know as a consumer.
What Exactly Does a Car Alternator Do?
An electrical charge is needed in all automobiles to provide enough current for electronic devices. A car starter, headlights, radios and other devices draw power from a battery. The alternator provides the continuous charge that it takes to provide constant power to a battery. If not for alternators, batteries would quickly lose power and would be unable to offer the needed voltage to operate electrical devices.
Why Alternators Need to Be Replaced
Magnets and coils that are found in the interior of an alternator can wear out due to many things. From weather deterioration to inferior materials, the exact issue that causes a component failure is hard to trace. Someone who needs a new alternator likely has experienced dimming of lights and intermittent engine issues. The good news is that any alternator can be replaced. The bad news is that low prices can be hard to locate.
Average Lifespan of a Car Alternator
Because alternators are directly hooked to batteries, a person could have multiple problems when a component goes bad. While most batteries are expected to last at least 4 years, a vehicle with a bad alternator will usually drain a battery at a faster rate. Most alternators that are brand new or rebuilt have a lifespan of at least 10 years and sometimes longer when these components are cared for property. A used condition unit offers the lowest price and can last just as long as a new one.
How to Buy Used Alternators Online
While electrical problems are one issue with an older alternator, there are bearing issues that are even more common. The whining noise that is noticeable during alternator operation can be from a series of bad bearings. Because most bearings cannot be replaced cheaply, the result for most car owners is to replace the entire unit. CarPartsLocator.com provides the lowest prices nationally for preowned car alternators and electrical devices for trucks and sport utility vehicles.